Our first steps into the world of advertising

Cre Adivity
5 min readJun 14, 2021

Many people wonder what does “CreADivity” mean and think that this word doesn’t make sense. But the truth is that the words “Creativity” and “Advertising” are used to create our start-up team’s name.

We are six young people with many ideas and we love to cooperate with each other. So, we thought that a company with “six creative brains” would be a new beginning to Advertising and Public relations. Glykeria, Danai, Katianna, Konstadina, Manuel and Panagiota believe at the power of the team and aspire to evolve at most on this field. Starting from scratch in our early 20’s, we want to make CreADivity a well-known company who will represent many brands not only in Greece, but also abroad. Our target? Help other companies to develop.

How can we do that? With our strategy. Consulting, Web design, E-shop creation, Digital Campaigns, Web content and SEO E-commerce.

This semester our team, CreADivity, has completed a plethora of projects which at the end of the day were presented in class. First of all, we started with who we are, by presenting ourselves, our goals and generally who we want to be in the future in order to meet us and get to know us, while we presented our values as a team and what are those things that represent us as team and company. But to be honest this wasn’t an actual project but mostly like a meet-up with our customers.

Our 1st actual project was about the carbon limit credit card. Specifically, we had to watch some advertising spots, which were stand out on the Cannes Lion Grand Prix 2019, choose our favourite and create a presentation about the purpose of campaign, its key message, the impact which might have, the “audience” of campaign and if that was a really good story. Why did we do this choice? Because our company supports environmentally friendly products and new ideas, especially when these two are combined. It is important for us to learn “how does this card work” and “where is it referred to?”. We think that environmental crisis and climate change is a very crucial topic nowadays and because of that many people think whether their future can be sustainable. So, carbon limit credit card “Do Black” is a new stepping stone to deter environmental damage.

At the same time, our team was working on creating our company’s site and social media, particularly our instagram account “cread.ivity”, where we posted some interesting information about our projects.

The next project we had to work on was about trust people tend to show on companies and how it affects their reputation. In addition, we searched about Rachel Botsman’s trust barometer and analyzed the basic points of what it is and how it works.We specifically researched the “2020 Edelman Trust Barometer”, so to have results that we will find correspond to the situation we face. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused great upheaval, which clearly affects these indicators.

We specifically researched the “2020 Edelman Trust Barometer”, so to have results that we will find correspond to the situation we face. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused great upheaval, which clearly affects these indicators.

We searched several sources in order to obtain as many variables as possible, so as to derive some theories and results. First things first, the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer states that despite the overall improvement of economy and other sectors such as employee employment, the four societal institutions — business, media, government and NGOs — are not trusted. This is mainly due to people’s anxiety about the future. So it seems necessary for these four institutions to gain back their trust and help people eliminate the fear and stress they feel.

Among what we observed was that the Corona virus pandemic (started in May of 2020) caused a huge drop on crowd’s trust; people started to become more and more wary. In this point, a universal need for trustworthy leaders came to the surface. From 2019 until today, 2021, media’s confidence tends to fall more and more and people try to find reliable sources for their information. We cannot blame them; the misinformation about the evolution of the virus is enormous, resulting in a regime of terrorism. In the midst of all this panic, the only ray of hope seems to be businesses. People who work in businesses show understanding, empathy, intelligence and the most important of all, trust. They make people feel safe during their chaotic everyday routine. However, people don’t show the same trust in all domains. But when they do, it’s pretty clear that this trust gives huge power in its acceptors.

For us, the whole research process has been a great help in understanding the importance of trust. A start up agency should secure confidence and safety to the crowd. With the help of Edelman’s Trust Barometer, we could find if and how much our company is trusted, especially if we make a comparison with the other two indicators, media and leadership. Another thing that we could learn by using Edelman’s Trust Barometer is how much our company is able to compete with other businesses similar to it, and also how much ethical are the ways that we manage it. There is also the possibility of there be the fear of job loss between our employees. With the Trust Barometer we can detect it and if there is, we can find in which degree it exists.

To conclude, we discussed about some really interesting challenges for our own company, CreADivity. The first one to came up is which expectations have our employees, how to get better and achieve a great state of management, so to create a healthy working environment. And the last one has to do about how trust grows depending on the country in which you work. There is only one way to answer all of our questions and that is to keep up the hard work with our team.

“Who we are” link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1w9g8VHXmTZQtlCnTlX3yH6YMXX0sYVAHJYEEbfprSm4/edit?usp=sharing

The Carbon Limit Credit Card link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16T8HohCXsFZUI30SCfCEm5Y8OU50Wt7tcxPD_2rXkKA/edit?usp=sharing

Trust barometer link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1j1CM3tMka22y5JaH_aSOooRyKHkP4y6-ZmJFQG0K29U/edit?usp=sharing

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cread.ivity/

Site: https://infocreadivity.wixsite.com/creadivity

E-mail: info.creadivity@gmail.com

Our members: Glykeria Lappa, Katia Roubi, Manolis Makrydakis, Δανάη Χρανιώτη, Konstantina Papa, Nagia

Professor: Betty Tsakarestou



Cre Adivity

A creative digital marketing startup company. You decide, We create. A project powered by Panteion University.